As you can probably tell from the last post, I had a really good training session on Thursday which was the first with my team in a long time. I'd been in my chair at the weekend for the coaching course so realisitically I should've been sensible and rested but I had 'the bug' and just really wanted to play. All was well until I got home and out of the shower to see that even though I'd enjoyed it myself, the wound on my leg had definitely not enjoyed it. It was bleeding and had opened again which was like a kick in the teeth for me. I get a little complacent with it when it's doing well, I forget that its like walking a knife edge and doing that little bit too much could just tip the balance and set me backwards in my progress. Ah well, I'm feeling better after a little low patch Thursday night/Friday morning, still a little tired (a result of doing too much) but I'm not hating the world anymore!
I was a little unsure on how Friday night was going to leave me after Thursdays outburst though, as it was the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games... It could've gone two ways, I could've really embraced it and got really in the sporting mood or I could've gone really withdrawn and not wanted anything to do with it as it's a reminder that I'm no longer at that level....
Well, it turns out it kind of went both ways. Before it had even started properly, when they were showing interviews with some of the people involved, I got really emotional. I could feel the lump in my throat rising and my eyes started to prick. I was imagining it being me that they were interviewing, and seeing my friends and family talk about how proud of me they all were. Silly, I know, but I couldn't help it. Anyway, as the ceremony went on it turned out to be just far too impressive to be upset while watching it! It was such a spectacle! Absolute, sheer brilliance by a fellow Northerner, Danny Boyle. There were a few tears shed during some of the songs, like Danny Boy and Jerusalem, but that just just because they are tear jerky songs!
Saturday started slow as Dan had to work late, but I didn't mind much as it gave me more time to watch the Olympics and also, it was pay day so I knew we were going out that evening :) We had no set plans so when Dan arrived home we threw some ideas around which included the usual cinema and food kind of plans, and went as far stretched as going to Blackpool to the circus! As there were no tickets left for the circus we went somewhere in between the two plans and decided on food in Manchester followed by a night of laughter at The Comedy Store. We decided to go on the tram (*shudder* at public transport) so we could both have a drink and make a night of it. We chose Bella Italia for our meal, which was absolutely gorgeous, we ate way too much and had our first drinks and then we hailed a cab down the road to The Locks because it was tipping down! The Comedy Store itself was rather quite at first so we grabbed a couple of drinks - which were hugely expensive! - and then sat and waited for the show to start. While we were waiting we were asked to have out photo taken for the website and were able to buy a key ring with the photo if we wanted, so I fluttered my eyes at Dan and he bought me one :)

Awwww! :D (Btw, if the alignment is all off on this it's because I'm on the iPad and it's difficult, will proof read once I have the laptop back).
The show was great, so so funny, I really enjoyed it! I knew we were making a night of it at the interval when Dan bought our first jaeger bombs! I wasn't complaining though, we've never done a night out on the town just us two before and it was a really nice change. We went to a few places, ended up in a fairly quiet bar talking to some really drunk guys and then getting a kebab in the bus station and getting the night bus back at about half 2! I haven't been on a bus in about 8 years, and I think the last time was probably while drunk as a skunk on that same bus! We were both really drunk, falling over and having an awesome time! I loved every second.
Needless to say, Sunday morning was a slow start. Both had stonking hangovers and yet we had to get up and moving as Dan was due in work at 12. I got dressed and drove him there as I figured it was safer for us to be in a car whilst probably-more-than-likely still being over the limit than it would be him being on his bike.. When we arrived at work Dan had a rather large "duuuh" moment, it turned out he wasn't actually in work and so we got to go back home and wallow in our self inflicted pain which was a much appreciated surprise!
That evening turned out to be more eventful than we'd planned too. We decided a carvery would be a good hangover cure so went and stuffed our faces at the local Toby Carvery and then went for a little drive too. We ended up somewhere right up in the hills, over in Rossendale, spotting signs for something called Halo and being really intrigued and heading off to find it. After a risky drive up a very narrow road, up a massive hill and then out of the car and pushing up a massive hill, we found it. It was a massive structure thing which I can only describe looked like a parking space for a spaceship! We got talking to a man up there who told us all about the local history of the place and then, after half freezing to death decided to go back to the car and phone our friend Lee. It might sound random at first but Lee is very interested in stars and things and as we were so high up and the sky was relatively clear, we invited him to come up and bring his binoculars and have a look. We met back at my house and once armed with my camera, a flask of tea to warm up and a few extra layers of clothes, we headed back up there. The sight was even more amazing in the dark, the structure was all lit up and the cloud patterns made for some amazing photos..

As you can see from this last picture, there was an amazing view looking out across the whole of Manchester, it was stunning. We didn't get back from there until about one in the morning, but we had a great time, I learnt a lot about stars and we even saw some satellites moving through space. Although it was cold it was both educational and fun and I'd love to make it a more regular thing.
Who knows if we carry on meeting up for our little geek nights like that, this time next year I might be blogging about stars and space and stuff! I'll be able to entertain you with things a lot more exciting than my weekends fun and frolics!
Yesterday and today have been a lot slower than the few before, but its been a nice wind down really. Tomorrow is mine and Dan's 6 month anniversary, I'm cooking him a meal and then we are going to the cinema to see Ted, which he has been excited about for like the last two months.. So I will try and update you of those activities, letting you know if I give him food poisoning or not mainly!
Bye for now, much loves!
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