As every person does every now and again I've had a bit of a rough week or so. I've felt a little unwell off the back of a busy birthday week (or two), a couple of little spats between Dan and I (mainly due to us both being tired and ratty I think!) I've had a minor set back with my leg a couple of weeks ago and then to top this week off I had a more than disappointing appointment with the housing team who I thought were really going to help me.
All these things added together has seemed to turn me into this crazy emotional, self conscious stark raving lunatic, seriously not joking it's like I've had PMT for like three weeks.. Either that or a mild form of bi-polar! One day I'm happier than I've ever been and the next day I'm crying like a baby over spilt milk! Hormones are going crazy for some reason..
Anyway, amidst all this yo-yo-ing with my emotions I have actually had the time of my life and really and wholly learnt the true meaning of what it feels like to be loved. It was my 25th birthday at the end of August and I knew Dan had arranged a weekend away for us somewhere, but that's all I knew. So when we arrived at this stunningly beautiful cottage in the middle of acres and acres of fields, you can imagine how amazed I was! It was perfect. A gorgeous three bedroom cottage with a log burning fire in the lounge and just me and my favourite boy. Or so I thought.