As every person does every now and again I've had a bit of a rough week or so. I've felt a little unwell off the back of a busy birthday week (or two), a couple of little spats between Dan and I (mainly due to us both being tired and ratty I think!) I've had a minor set back with my leg a couple of weeks ago and then to top this week off I had a more than disappointing appointment with the housing team who I thought were really going to help me.
All these things added together has seemed to turn me into this crazy emotional, self conscious stark raving lunatic, seriously not joking it's like I've had PMT for like three weeks.. Either that or a mild form of bi-polar! One day I'm happier than I've ever been and the next day I'm crying like a baby over spilt milk! Hormones are going crazy for some reason..
Anyway, amidst all this yo-yo-ing with my emotions I have actually had the time of my life and really and wholly learnt the true meaning of what it feels like to be loved. It was my 25th birthday at the end of August and I knew Dan had arranged a weekend away for us somewhere, but that's all I knew. So when we arrived at this stunningly beautiful cottage in the middle of acres and acres of fields, you can imagine how amazed I was! It was perfect. A gorgeous three bedroom cottage with a log burning fire in the lounge and just me and my favourite boy. Or so I thought.

We spent the first night alone, had a take away and acquainted ourselves with a bottle of wine in front of the fire.. All very romantic I think you'll agree! Then the next morning we decided to go into town to browse the shops but around 1pm Dan said he wanted to get back to the house as the red arrows were flying over the house on the way to somewhere and he was dying to see them. I thought ok fair enough and sat dutifully looking out of the upstairs window for this troop of aeroplanes... When there was a knock at the door. Bearing in mind the nearest neighbours other than the farmer were at least 3 miles away I thought it was very strange. After a little play acting by Dan, I turned toward the stairs to find my sister, niece and brother in law climbing up the stairs! He had arranged for them to join us, booked us a table and have them stay over for a night with us as an extra surprise! I could believe the thought that he had put into it and I was completely overjoyed to be able to spend my birthday weekend with my gorgeous sister and family.

That evening as I said, Dan had booked us a table at a restaurant in the nearest town so we phoned a taxi and made our way there.. Which is where I was to meet my next surprise, yes that's right, another one! As we walked into the dining room, I noticed an empty wheelchair in front of me, strangely thought nothing of it other than 'oh look another wheelchair in this tiny village, that's strange'.. But then I looked up. At first I saw my friend Sally, then scanned the room again and saw Ruby, then Mary and finally Ste.. Which is when my brain started to catch up and I realised that the room was filled with my close friends and all my basketball team. I was completely and utterly dumbfounded. I just couldn't comprehend what they were all doing there! I literally sat with my hands clutching my face for about 5 minutes just looking around the room at every one looking at me and clapping and I still don't think the penny dropped until I got in bed that night that they were all there to see me and celebrate my birthday.
I cannot even begin to describe the emotions that came over me. I just felt so loved. The fact that Dan had done all that, arranged like 25 of my closest friends to drive over 200 miles all to make me happy and surprise me, and the fact that they all cared enough to do that was so amazing. No one has ever cared enough to arrange such a surprise and on such a large scale!
I don't want to go into every detail of our weekend, I think sometimes when you write things down you can't quite capture the magic that you felt while you were living the moment, I know I haven't done justice to that night but I had to write about it, but I'd like to keep the magic in the most wonderful weekend I've ever had.
Every time I think about it I get this wave of warmth come over me, and despite our little spats we've had this week, every time I think of the things he did and how he made me feel I just forget everything else. It's like nothing else exists, it's me and him and I know with every bone in my body that it's me and him forever, and I can't help but smile at that :)
Wow, this turned out soppier than I was expecting!! Well, no point trying to back peddle now, I may as well finish on the same note..
I love you Dan, thank you so much for everything you have done and continue to do for me. I'm beyond grateful and love you with all my heart (as much as you love me :P) Now I'd better start thinking of ways to spoil him on his birthday, not set the bar too high :S only 8 months to think of something!

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