New Years Resolution Ideas
1. Write a blog a day.. Now, this one will probably not happen as I rarely have the spare time in a day to sit and do this but I have a plan which may help. I got a new Cath Kidston bag for Christmas and its rather bigger than the last bag I had. What's this got to do with blogging you may wonder? Well, I thought if I can't get to the iPad or my new Android tablet (yes that is another present name drop) then if I can carry a small notepad around in my bag then I can jot something down and then do a collective blog the next time I have chance to sit and type. The whole point of me wanting to write more blogs is to get my mind more active and so I figure thinking of something fairly witty to write is one step to me using my brain to its full capacity again.
2. Take a photo a day.. This shouldn't be too hard as I'm always snapping something, and I'm not limiting myself to say what I have to take it of but I would like to try and use my DSLR a lot more this year. But it could just be a photo of Dan and I messing around, anything.. In fact, here's today's.. And the first photo of us in 2013!

3. Be on time.. This is an important one for me. As much as I try to work out the times I need to get ready or get to places, I always seem to be on the minutes or late! I think I'm even starting to get a reputation for it, and I really don't like it! So as of today I will be more prepared and get myself ready quicker, set off earlier, do whatever it takes!
4. Keep tidy.. Pretty self explanatory really, I simply can't manage to tidy up once my room has got past a certain stage of messy-ness so I need to keep on top of it.
5. Spend less.. Again, pretty easy to understand the logic behind this one. There's so many things that eat up my money but I'm going to be more picky this year, less meals out, less shopping trips... Less all the fun things :( but I WILL try.
6. Save more.. Goes hand in hand with the previous one. I've worked out what I should be able to save from my monthly income, and I'm going to aim to save £1 a day on top of that, which gives my a very healthy figure at the end of the year to aim towards. I think I'll have to set myself monthly targets too though to keep on track, but I'm determined to end my year with at least 8 times what I had at the end of last year in my bank.
I can't remember the rest of the list, I think there was only a couple more of the usual ones of eating healthier and training more to stay fit, but there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to do those, I was an athlete not so long ago so surely I have the strength to do that again?!
In all honesty, I know I said they were only ideas but sitting now and thinking about it seriously I really do think I will be able to do them all.. The most important ones are the being on time and the money ones, the rest will be bonuses but I'll keep you informed every step of the way!
Happy new year everyone, and good luck with all your resolutions!
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