Saturday 21 July 2012

Make cake not war.. Baking instead of boxing

It's 23:52, I'm up at six readying be picked up at 07:30 to drive to Carnforth for the second part of my Grade 2 coaching course but I just had to write a quick blog before bed.

I've had a mostly productive day today, I was up early, I'd baked my first lemon cake before lunch time.. Which is delicious by the way.. Dan came home from work around half 1 at which point a had a little grump as I thought I was going out with him tonight to watch boxing but it turns out he was taking his dad (and I was being taxi) and while he was out I made some shortbread, which I've had mixed reviews about, but I like them! And now Dan is home, a little drunk (maybe a little more than a little), dancing with my mum who is also a little (more than) drunk in the kitchen while I make my packed lunch for tomorrow! How can I still find him adorable and sexy while he's drunk dancing with my mum?! I must really love that boy :)

Anyway, I just wanted to document this in some way shape or form, I'll post details and photos tomorrow.

Night all,

Much loves xx

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